Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Current Tasks

This is the follow-up to the previous post. So, in Robotics we've kind of been taking a break from the maze-bots since Tim and I have been done with it for the past 3 or so weeks. Instead, we've been doing simulated wiring and programming with labview. It's kind of cool, because you can actually pull information from hardware in the class and use the data in the programs you write and it throws it all together with an interface. Last week and seemingly this week, we're making dashboards for a car. Mine's a tank, it only gets about 2 miles to the gallon. But it's a groovy pimp tank - notice the coloring.

It's not quite done yet, but whatever.

I told you guys a little bit about the bank program that we're working on in CS. It's actually 10 programs that all work together to simulate the bank - not too complicated but very thick. It has to have several different types of accounts, and customer types based on age, all with different interest values that we're responsible for making up... you know the spiel. That's gonna consume my weekend.

Monday, March 5, 2007


I know I already told you guys about Cleveland and the Wolfmother concerto but...
Here's some more crap to enjoy:

Erin and I at the concert.

We couldn't have cameras but we took this with her phone.

This is a picture of the venue which was really small. We were here:
(Hope you can see the enlightening circle)

Close up of the MASHPIT:

Bangin' fun... You guys should probably make Sam play some of their music for you. Expect more soon about the different things I'm working on at the moment.